Image of metrorail train
Welcome to the CTTRAINS timetable
Please note that CTTRAINS has no association with Metrorail. This is a free community service.

Protection Services phone number: 021-818-7235

Trains do not normally operate on Sundays or public holidays.

Note: There is planned maintenance on the Wellington line from From 11-27 February. Trains 3503 and 3506 trains are cancelled during this period.

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Select your Cape Town train route below to view timetable details.

Southern Line

The Southern Line travels from central Cape Town through the Southern Suburbs to Fish Hoek

Shuttle - Fish Hoek to Simon's Town Line

The Southern shuttle train travels from Fish Hoek through to Simon's Town.

Cape Flats Line

The Cape Flats line connects central Cape Town with the suburbs of Pinelands, Athlone, Lansdowne, Ottery and most ending at Heathfield - some journeys end at Retreat.

Northern Line - Cape Town via Monte Vista ending at Bellville

The Northern Monte Vista line trains pass Century City and Monte Vista finishing at Bellville

Combined Northern Line - Cape Town to Bellville, Kraaifontein, Eerste River and Wellington - including Mutual

This combined Northern line includes trains to Bellville, Kraaifontein, Eerste River and Wellington - all in one, including Mutual.

Limited Malmesbury Line - Cape Town line

This limited Cape Town - Malmesbury line trains passes through Century City, Monte Vista, Bellville and Klipheuwel finishing at Malmesbury station.

Central Line - To Cape Town/Nyanga or Nolungile and Mutual via Langa to Bellville

The Central Line service provides services from Cape Town via Mutual and Langa to Nolungile and from Mutual via Langa to Bellville





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